Sometimes Love Looks Like a Bag of Groceries

Kerry Bandlow (member of our church and proudly wearing his gear as a city of Rochester firefighter) delivering groceries to a senior citizen in Shelby Township

“What can we do to help?” It’s a simple question. But it’s an incredibly powerful question.

In this “unprecedented” time we are in (I think I’ve heard that word about a thousand times over the past month!), as believers and followers of Jesus, it’s our time to shine. To bring light into darkness.

So this blog is about our what our church is doing. Not to pat ourselves on the back, but to hopefully inspire you to put your faith in action! So here goes…

Just over one month ago, when everything started to shutdown, I picked up the phone and contacted the local government of Shelby Township (where we live as well as where our church is located). I basically said, “We’d love to be a ‘friend to the Township’ with no-strings-attached. So what can we do to help?”

A few days later, a government official contacted me saying a couple senior citizens reached out to them, asking for assistance getting groceries and other necessities (but no, they didn’t ask for toilet paper! 🙂 ). I personally called both folks to better understand specifically what they needed (“You want cheese. Ok, what kind… a block, sliced, shredded? What brand?”) and posted about it on our church’s Facebook page.

Two awesome members of our church — Kerry & LeAnne Bandlow — stepped up, went grocery shopping on behalf of both senior citizens, and even delivered the groceries to their doors! And our church picked up the tab!

Why? Because sometimes love looks like a bag of groceries.

So that’s one of the things our church is doing right now. To be clear, this is NOT a “grocery delivery ministry.” It’s just an example of what can happen when you lead with the question, “What can we do to help?”

May God give YOU eyes to see the needs right around YOU. If there is an elderly person who lives near you, check on them. Make sure they are ok. See if they need any groceries… If there is someone on your block who was already struggling to make ends meet before all of this happened, bless them in some way… Pick up the phone and call someone and see how they are doing… Maybe ask someone, “Can I pray for you right now?” … Maybe go “old school” and mail someone a card or write a letter to encourage them.

Pray about it. See how the Holy Spirit leads you as you ask the question, “What can I do to help?”

Whatever you choose to do, may you shine. May you shine in this time of darkness.

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

***If you liked this blog, please “go” to our church this weekend by connecting with us online! We just launched a new sermon series titled “It Is Well… With My Soul.” We are looking at the deepest part of you — your soul — and asking, “How is your soul doing?” Sermons and an entire online church experience are available at***


About Dan Kopp

In 2010 Dan and Kellie felt the call by God to plant a church. They would love for you to not just "go to church" on a Sunday morning but to encounter God! Please join us at The Mission on Sundays at either 9:15am or 11:00am at 52767 Shelby Rd. in Shelby Township.
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